Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)


Insecure Direct Object Reference may result when the application retrieves or accesses a resource using the resource itself as the reference to lookup or identify the resource.

Examples may include passing the filename of a document to retrieve, relocating to a URL after allowing the browser to send the URL as a parameter value or including an include file based on the browser sending the include file path and name.

Discovery Methodology

For each parameter passed that identified a resource, determine if the value is the resource itself or if the application only accepts a token which is meaningless outside of that context.

For example, if the site expects an include file name to be passed, this could be a direct object reference. Alternatively if the site expects an integer which the server later maps to the include file to display, the site is not likely to be vulnerable to this issue.


Based on the type of resource, submit other values to the server in order to gain access or load content to which the user is not authorized.

Example: Local and Remote File Inclusion

Note the page parameter in NOWASP URLs. This parameter is the include file to load within the main frame. Since this parameter loads any file passed, attempt to pass a local file or remote file URI.

Example: Accessing system files

Step 1: Recon: Obtain list of files

Possible Technique: Use command injection
Page: dns-lookup.php
Value (Windows): && dir /w
Value (Linux): && pwd && ls -l

Possible Technique: Use robots.txt
Possible Technique: Use directory browsing
Possible Technique: Use directory brute-forcing
Possible Technique: Guess

Step 2: Gaining Access: Retrive system files

Page: source-viewer.php
Technique: Use an interception proxy like Burp to change the value of the phpfile parameter. Use parent directory (..) to bypass jails.
Tool: Tamper Data, Paros, WebScarab, Burp
Field: phpfile
Value: <system file path>, ../../../boot.ini, ..\..\..\WINDOW\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, ../../../etc/passwd


Click here to watch Introduction to Fuzzing Web Applications with Burp-Suite Intruder Tool
Click here to watch How to Exploit Local File Inclusion Vulnerability using Burp-Suite
Click here to watch ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 6 - Local/Remote File Inclusion
Click here to watch How to Show Secret Page in Security Level 5